There have been many owners of The Humbird over the centuries and we are constantly researching to find out as many of them as we can. If anyone has any information regards the history of past ownership, records, articles, photo's or old newspapers that can help us document, we would be so appreciative to hear from you.
Below shows the owners we have traced so far. Any historic information that we have collected can be found by clicking on the owners name.
Matthew Hawkes & Elizabeth Havenor (Team H): June 26, 2023 - Present
Deanna Aguilar: November 2021 - June 25, 2023
Marea (Kitty) & Manuel (Mace) Maisonet: 2010 - November 6, 2021
Dave Buttke - ???? - 2010 (2021)
Dave Leiland: 2003 - ????
Mike & Mary Dobson: Oct/Nov 1999 - December 2003
Theresa Ellen Eisberner: 1986 - 2000